7 Day Squat Challenge
Want to tone your legs and jumpstart your fitness, but don’t know where to start? The best thing you can do is start small! Don’t overwhelm yourself by dedicating to a 100 day challenge or even a 30 day challenge. Give yourself just 7 days to notice a difference and start making positive changes with a squat challenge! The great thing about a 7 day squat challenge is that it doesn’t require a gym, and it doesn’t require much time at all!
While there isn’t truly a magical number, many experts suggest that completing around 150 squats per week is a good start to making an impact on your health and fitness. So, for this 7 day squat challenge that will tone your glutes (butt) and legs, aim for doing at least 25 squats a day! In the grand scheme of things, this is very doable! Try to carve out just 2-5 minutes every morning or evening and you’ll dominate this challenge in no time!
What is a Squat?
Essentially, a squat is where you dip your hips down to a squatted position from a standing position. There’s a little more to it, but that’s the gist. It is one of the most common strength exercises that focuses on toning your glutes and legs. Not to mention, it is very simple and doesn’t require a gym to see results!

What are Squats Good For?
Squats have a wide range of benefits! They are great for building strength, toning muscle, and improving your overall health. Here are some more specific benefits to incorporating more squats into your life…
Stronger muscles
As mentioned above, squats target your glutes and your legs. Whether or not you use weights, this repeated motion over time will strengthen your muscles and make you feel stronger and healthier.
Improves core
Squats require a great deal of core strength and stability. This is because of the up and down motion where you move from the standing to squatting position. So, the more you do them (with proper form), the more improvements you will see with your core and stability.
Reduces risk of injury
The squatting motion (using your knees, hamstrings, and glutes) helps to reduce your risk of knee injury. Regularly doing squats will strengthen the muscles that will stabilize your knee, thus helping with injury prevention!
While there are many other exercises good for your glutes, squats are a great place to start when looking for something to improve your strength in a simple, yet effective way. You need nothing but yourself and some motivation to incorporate squats into your everyday life. And this 7 day squat challenge will spark your motivation!

Another reason this 7 day squat challenge is a great jumping off point for your fitness is because it brings a lot of variety! Just imagine starting each morning with a different squat to try that will work different areas of your lower body. Here are our 7 different squats to try for your 7 day squat challenge…
Day 1. Traditional Squats
When someone mentions a squat, this is the basic version that most people picture, which is why it is the first squat on your 7 day squat challenge! Start strong with this classic!
Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly out, looking forward.
Bend at your hips, dipping down to a squatting position as if you’re sitting in a chair. As you squat, your arms should raise simultaneously. Be sure to keep your core tight, back straight and chest high, still looking forward.
Allow your arms to fall as you return to the standing position. Keep your gaze straight, core tight, and exhale as you rise back up while squeezing your glutes.
Day 2. Single Leg Squat
Single leg squats (or pistol squats) are a more advanced version of the traditional squat. This move requires more balance, core strength, and focus while targeting the same muscle groups in an isolated fashion.
Start by standing straight with your arms out in front of you.
Raise one leg slightly in front of your body while bending at your hips and dipping down in a squat position. To help with balance, keep your core tight and your gaze fixed on something in front of you. To modify, you can always have a hand on a chair or wall.
With control and keeping your leg slightly off the ground, rise back to the standing position while exhaling and tightening your muscles. Be sure to do the same number of squats on each leg.
Day 3. Side Squat
Once you get to day 3 of your 7 day squat challenge, you’ll be craving something a little different! The side squats are a hybrid between a squat and a lunge. This exercise will get you moving laterally, working different leg muscles with a hint of balance and stability!
Stand up straight with your arms by your side.
Keeping your right leg stationary, extend your left leg to the side where your feet are farther than hip width apart. As your left leg touches the ground, shift your bodyweight onto it as you simultaneously hinge your hips to a squat, bending your left knee.
Tighten your muscles as you pull the left side up, bring yourself back to the original standing position and repeat with your right side.
Day 4. Sumo Squat
The sumo squat is, essentially, a deeper version of the traditional squat. This move requires more balance, inner leg strength, and mental toughness! Take this exercise slowly, and you will definitely feel the burn!
Start by standing with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly out, looking forward.
Bend at your hips, dipping down to a squatting position as if you’re sitting in a chair. Contrary to the traditional squat, you will dip even deeper.
Keep your gaze straight, core tight, and exhale as you rise back up while squeezing your glutes.
Day 5. Squat Kicks
Adding some intensity and a different group of legs muscles for day 5, squat kicks can pack a serious punch! This variation will get your heart pumping while working your glutes, inner and outer thigh muscles, and more!
Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly out, looking forward.
Bend at your hips exactly as you would do with a traditional squat.
As you come up from your squat, kick your left leg out to the left side.
Return to the start position and repeat for the right side. You can do this exercise slow and controlled or fast with a cardio focus.
Day 6. Squat Jumps
For day 6 of your 7 day squat challenge, let’s really get your heart rate going! Often, HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts make use of squat jumps because of their effectiveness on the leg muscles while also providing you with a good sweaty session!
Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly out, looking forward.
Bend at your hips exactly as you would do with a traditional squat.
Instead of rising slowly, you will use your momentum to jump up out of your squatting position. Be sure to land softly to prevent injury.
Day 7. Squat Rotations
We saved the best for last in your squat challenge! Squat rotations are a combination of all the squats listed above into one last big movement! Work on endurance, balance, muscle strength, stability and so much more with this power move!
Turning to the left side, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your feet facing slightly out, looking forward.
Squat down like a traditional squat and touch your left arm to the floor.
Using momentum, while you are in the air, rotate 180 degrees to where you are now facing the right side.
Make sure you land softly, facing the other direction, then repeat.