About Fit Active Living

Message From the Owner

Hi and welcome to Fit Active Living! I’m Walt, the founder and owner of this site.


So many people live unhealthy lives because of lifestyle choices – whether it is because of poor eating habits or a lack of activity/exercise (or both). Because of this, I started Fit Active Living with the hope of educating others that they can live an active and healthy life at any age.

I’ve been a runner and a type 1 diabetic for most of my adult life. Having completed 5 full marathons, countless half’s, as well as being diabetic, I understand how important activity and diet is to overall health and life.

Our Mission

Fit Active Living’s mission is to help people learn how get active and become healthier versions of themselves. We do that by providing an extensive library of health and fitness related articles to our readers.

Our site includes multiple topics, so you can find an aspect of fitness you’re interested in learning about. We aim to be the trustworthy and authoritative source for folks wanting become more fit and active in their everyday lives.

But you aren’t going to get in shape just by reading our site. 😉 You will need to take the information you learn here and get out there and get moving!

We truly hope you find value in our site.

Editorial Guidelines

All our content is professionally edited before being published to be sure if adheres to our uncompromising standards. Our knowledgable editors check every article for readability, spelling & grammar, formatting, photo & image quality and more.

Our informative content is written and continually updated by experienced fitness experts. We follow strict style guides to make sure every article is as easy as possible to follow.

If you ever read an article you think should be improved, please email us at info@fitactiveliving.com to let us know.